Foam Stamp Transfer

–Tutorial Tidbits–

Give Yourself Time and Permission to Play!

Today I am going to show you how to use one of my Burst foam stamp design with Joggles in a new and unique way.
I discovered this technique by playing and experimenting in my studio. Some of my best techniques have occurred to me when I’m just pushing paint around.
So, be sure to make time in your schedule to play; not only will you learn new things but it’s soooooo good for your soul!

Especially in times like these, art is just good therapy.

I’m going to show you how to transfer a foam stamp to damp rice paper, allowing it to bleed, and then glue that down to a mixed media background.
For more layering options, you can add a wash of color on top of the glued down stamp, or you can leave it for a more translucent, muted effect.
Either way, these stamped pieces of rice paper make for lots of fun on mixed media backgrounds.

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Thank you for supporting a working artist


Text, Type, and Oxidation


Metallic Pattern Transfer