I’m Giving up my Favorite Frigate!

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Did you know that I always have artwork available on my website? to be honest much of my work sells from social media and through workshops and events, however there are some pieces that are available on my website. Recently I’ve added this piece titled Fabulous Frigate. This is a beauty, can I just say that? I have had this piece in my personal collection for years and years as I was so in love with it. Every now and then as an artist I create a piece I just don’t want to part with; this has been one of those pieces.

Created for a show in Key West, FL the Frigate is an indigenous bird to that part of the state. I enjoyed researching then and learning more about that fabulous red balloon throat!

The metallic leaf on this has a deep rich red tone underneath that shows through, giving it a sort of classic background. Its 2-inch deep cradled panel, the edges are black.
This piece is wired and ready to hang.

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